Monday, December 10, 2012

Final Wireframes/tablet aspect

 The changes I made to my wireframe since my last post includes the addition of the social media buttons under the search bar. I found photos of them online and recreated them in illustrator, put the logos blue into them all and placed them into my design. To all of the buttons I added a cursor to show where to click. I also added a shopping cart button using the same steps as the media buttons.  I have included pictures of all stage changes in my design. I removed the dashes in all of my lists because I was told they were unnecessary.
 Finally, the major addition was the quickview menu I added to the Inspired? Go Design! button. It includes pictures that a person could click on for each step of the process. The arrows show that their could be more inventory a customer could look through. The menu mimics the smaller menu above in color scheme.

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