Monday, December 10, 2012

Final print

This is the cover of my new folder. It took multiple tries to get the cutout to work. The blue is a ban of watercolor paper that i printed on both sides of.
The entire folder is made up of white watercolor paper attached to poster board attached to printed on watercolor paper. The flap is the same composition. The pattern that is throughout my piece is my logo inverted and repeated.

All of the documents now have the pattern seen on the inside of the folder on their backs, and for the envelope on the inside. These are the documents that had text changes to them, the mailing label and the business card. I enlarged the name on the business card to draw emphasis to it. The mailing label had copy taken from it with the exception of the company name and street address. The customers address was added to this mailing label. The copy of the letterheads did not change.

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