Friday, September 21, 2012

Final of Graphic Translation Project

 These are my three final pieces for the Graphic Translation project. I am very happy with how the overall icon came out. I am not completely happy with how the text can out because I struggled with finding a well done typeface that conveyed zany. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Graphic Translation Project 1 logos

These are the three logos I brought to the critique on Monday. I scanned in my sketches, made them into vectors and from there cleaned up the points through the selection tool and smooth tool. Although everyone seemed to like two elephant logos better, because it was more comfortable to the audience I am continuing with the ladybug logo because it pushes the envelope.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Graphic Translation Project 1 Sketches

I took three different animals and multiple pictures of each animal and attempted to break each one down into line and shape.  After reducing each picture to it simplest form, I utilized the negative and positive space of each design and shaded where I felt it was appropriate. I am planning on pursuing numbers 7, 10 and 25.